Free college tuition. Free college counseling and support.
By Lori Lesslie, Tennessee Reconnect Navigator
Did I read that correctly? Free? Yes, you did! Tennessee Reconnect is a last-dollar grant for adult Tennesseans 23 and older interested in returning to or enrolling in postsecondary education for the first time. Have you been thinking about going back to school to earn a degree or credential? Have you considered enrolling for the first time? Do you have a dream or passion you’d like to pursue? Does the cost of college give you pause? Then you’re in the right spot to read on! My name is Lori Lesslie, and I’m a Reconnect Navigator with Tennessee Reconnect, serving both Knox and Blount counties.
What is Tennessee Reconnect?
Tennessee Reconnect is a grant for adults to earn an associate degree, technical certificate, or technical diploma tuition free. The grant can be used at a Tennessee community college or technical college. When you hear Tennessee Reconnect, think free tuition. The grant covers tuition and mandatory fees if eligibility requirements are met.
What are the eligibility requirements? They are:
• Be a Tennessee resident
• Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
• Complete the FAFSA® (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and be classified as an independent student OR be at least 23 years of age on or before January 1st of the academic year
• Not be incarcerated*
• Not have previously earned an associate or baccalaureate degree; exception: TCAT (Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology) Reconnect remain eligible even with degree
• Not be in default on a student loan program
• Not owe an outstanding balance to an institution
• Be admitted to an eligible institution and enrolled at least part-time (minimum 6 hours) in courses leading to a certificate or associate degree
• If attending TCAT, be admitted and enrolled full-time and in pursuit of a certificate or diploma
*Currently incarcerated individuals (if eligible) may work with Re-Entry Navigators to prepare for attendance upon release. Learn more by visiting
What is Navigate Reconnect?
Navigate Reconnect is the regionally-based component of Tennessee Reconnect and focuses on providing one-on-one guidance to and through your college journey so you feel supported at every step. We have Navigators located throughout the state in order to provide specific support where you live. Reconnect Navigators partner with community leaders, employers, and higher education institutions across four Navigate regions statewide to support and engage adult learners: Northeast TN, East TN, Middle TN, and West TN. When you hear Navigate Reconnect, think free college counseling and support throughout your college journey.
What does a Reconnect Navigator do? A Navigator provides:
• Help and direction with college admissions
• Guidance in understanding your financial aid & college costs
• Connections to your community resources
• Connections to your college’s resources
• Support throughout your entire college journey
Navigators are here to listen to your aspirations, answer your questions, help with next steps, and support you along the way. You don’t know what you don’t know, and we’re here to offer guidance and encouragement so you don’t have to go it alone.
How do I connect with a Navigator?
Easy! If you or someone you know has ever thought, “I’d like to go back to school, but I’m not sure how that works,” then all you need to do is scan the QR code below, complete a short interest form, and someone will be in touch to connect with you.
Why are adults interested in or hoping to return to school?
When I ask adults about their why, I have the privilege and honor of hearing so many stories. The students I work with have shared:
“It’s been a dream, and I’m at a place in life where I now want to pursue it.”
“I have children now, and I want to do this for them.”
“I started college right out of high school, wasn’t doing well in my classes, didn’t really care about school, so I stopped attending.”
“I want to increase my earning potential.”
“I’m ready for a career change.”
“I need a degree to be promoted in my place of work.”
“I have a passion I want to pursue.”
“It’s been a personal goal for me to finish what I started.”
TN Reconnect Fact vs. Fiction
Fiction: My previous college GPA makes me ineligible to receive TN Reconnect.
Fact: Your previous college GPA does not impact TN Reconnect eligibility.
Fiction: All classes are on a college campus.
Fact: There are flexible class options to meet your needs.
Fiction: I’m not a U.S. citizen and won’t qualify for the TN Reconnect Grant.
Fact: Financial aid is available for eligible non-citizens.
Fiction: I don’t make enough to pay for college.
Fact: Tennessee Reconnect covers tuition and mandatory fees.
Fiction: My salary is too high to be eligible for TN Reconnect.
Fact: Income does not affect your TN Reconnect eligibility.
Fiction: I’m required to attend college full time to receive TN Reconnect.
Fact: TN Reconnect only requires part-time enrollment.
Tennessee Reconnect was established in 2018 as part of the Drive to 55 initiative. Drive to 55 was launched in 2013 to increase the number of Tennesseans with a postsecondary degree or certificate to 55% by 2025 and is changing the landscape of what is possible in Tennessee public higher education, its workforce, and economy. Tennessee Reconnect enhances these possibilities and solidifies Tennessee’s standing as the nation’s leader in higher education, innovation, and opportunity.