By Brett Cafferty
My dad was a yard guy, spending countless hours outside with a shovel, a rake, and a wheelbarrow. He took great pride and joy in the work as well as the outcome.
Years ago, when we bought a house with a big yard, I came to realize I did not get that “yard gene!” In contrast to my dad, I struggle with all things “yard-ish” and do not relish the time spent working on it. Being confident of how to trim trees, noticing overgrown flower beds, and having the patience to pull weeds – it just ain’t there. I find I force myself to do the bare necessities of yard upkeep.
As I was applying a springtime round of lawn Weed & Feed (I actually thought about, bought, and put it down – yay me!), thoughts came to mind of the concept of “Weed & Feed” on a larger scale. I realized that it was a term that could apply to the broader picture of our daily lives and activities.
Weed & Feed, in concept, gets rid of the weeds you don’t want and feeds the grass you do want. What if we applied that principle to the projects we pursue, our job responsibilities, and the overall “duties” that we take on? Could we pay attention to the areas where we struggle versus noticing how easy and natural it can be when we are well-tuned to the task at hand? This leads to the question of why we spend considerable time and energy fighting to do things we are not good at or made for. Is it pride, a need for control, a lack of trusting others, or thinking that we should be able to handle everything that comes across our path with some degree of competence?
Business matters, raising a family, and the general goings-on of life continue to illuminate areas where my natural abilities and aptitudes DO NOT line up with the tasks or projects I feel are my responsibility. Anyone else? Rather than continue to struggle, what if we actively worked to WEED out (recognize and accept our natural limitations, be willing to give up control by delegating or actually asking others for help) to free up time and the mental energy to FEED (invest in, practice, and develop) areas of highest and best use?
From my armchair quarterback perspective, this would result in less stress, more effective use of time, greater satisfaction in work and home lives, benefiting others, and most likely being a more pleasant person to be around. Not to mention allowing others the satisfaction of using their gifts. Seems logical, right? No time like the present to Weed & Feed!