Stress-Free Doggy Daycare
Our family dogs can sense tension and stress in a household, making their own lives more stressful. With growing numbers of family members remaining closer to home nowadays, our dogs deserve some special time to relieve the stress and tension that they are experiencing as their normal routines are placed out of balance. Their parents and their kids are glued to their televisions, laptops, and smart devices as we telecommute and study online. Tension is bound to result with family members completely out of their normal routine.
Why not let Ms. C’s do what we do best – “taking care of your four-legged kids” while you take care of business at home (telecommuting, taking care of children, assisting elderly parents, etc.)? We have very strict cleaning and disinfecting controls in place, including installing the PetAirapy UV System, which has a 99.9% kill rate of viruses and bacteria.
Give your four-legged kid a much needed break by calling and making an appointment today for daycare for your dog. It’s only $20 per dog from 7:30 am to 6 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. If you wish, we will be happy to come out to your car to greet your four-legged kids. Just put us in your cell phone as a contact, give us a call when you enter our driveway, and we will greet you in person. Give us a call at 865-986-6325 today!
Ms. C’s Bed & Biscuits
2145 Beals Chapel Road
Lenoir City, TN 37772