Many Advisers Bring Success
By Tom Irmen
This ancient proverb goes on to state that “plans go wrong for lack of advice.”
It has been two decades or more since the popular Marlboro man commercials were barred from television. The iconic Marlboro man portrayed in these commercials was a rugged individualist whose independence was viewed as courageous by many. However, in the years since, this same independence is now perceived by some as a major character flaw; an individual who placed his reliance on his own independence rather than on the advice and recommendations of trusted friends and mentors.
As an entrepreneur, it is customary that the final decision on issues comes down to your choice. But it can be a huge mistake to make your decisions in the absence of the recommendations and advice of a few trusted advisers.
I’m always surprised by the number of small business owners that elect to go it alone, much like the Marlboro man. Some entrepreneurs prefer the freedom of independent decision making instead of relying in part on the advice of others. But unless you possess the wisdom of Solomon, this type of decision making seems ill advised.
Seeking the advice of knowledgeable advisers on important decisions is not only critical to your success in making important decisions, but it can also avert the consequences of poor choices. Confiding in others is not always an easy thing for free minded entrepreneurs to do, because it requires the courage necessary to place your trust in the wisdom of others. Little courage is required to act alone.
But caution must also be exercised not to overthink your decision, waiting for the stars to align. I’ve often observed small business owners who seek out endless advice in order to avoid the fear that can result from making an important decision.
Courage is the trademark of the successful entrepreneur, but the entrepreneurs that exhibit the greatest courage are those who are fearless in seeking the advice of trusted counselors and mentors.