By Brett Cafferty

When we took over Everything Knoxville in the fall of 2020, editor Kendra and designer Meredith thankfully agreed to stay on and trust us going forward. It’s been an education for us, likely a bit painful for them, and a positive lesson in how complementary skills can work together!  

We thought this experience was worth sharing and wanted to introduce “the team” and elaborate a bit on how all the pieces fit.  

Kendra – Received a BA in Communication from George Mason University and began her career with a non-profit organization in Virginia, planning fundraising events and supporting the management team. After relocating to Knoxville to be closer to family, she worked with Knox County coordinating special events at World’s Fair Park and Volunteer Landing. 

Kendra joined EK during the first few issues and has been involved in distribution, editing, researching content, communication, and administrative responsibilities ever since. She truly enjoys the relationships she’s built with each and every advertiser – many of whom she has known for more than 10 years. 

I repeatedly hear: “Kendra is AWESOME!” from clients, as she is competent, helpful, and professional. Her attention to detail in editing, planning, organizing, and communicating keeps us all moving in the right direction and collectively doing the best job we can for our clients and readers. 

MeredithHolds a bachelor’s degree in Digital Design. Prior to her role with Everything Knoxville, she was a graphic designer in the newspaper industry, winning more than 50 Virginia Press Awards along the way. She’s been designing ads, magazines, newspapers, and children’s book illustrations for more than 20 years. In addition to supporting businesses with their design needs, she has a heart to serve others and shares her talent and time with worthy causes in her community and international mission trips.  

Meredith is a highly creative designer that comes up with amazing ideas and fresh looks that help our clients put their best message forward. We can’t begin to fathom how she does it (often many times in the same day!) but are extremely thankful and blessed that she does. 

Susan – Also a degreed designer, has learned that she enjoys the research and creative side involved in writing, editing, and bringing a client’s story and vision to reality. Her ability to see the big picture and details simultaneously helps make that happen. What I, personally, find to be exhausting and tedious she loves and thrives on. She is truly an “acts of service” person.

Brett – My background is in sales and management in the small business environment. Obviously, a “people person!” As I develop and maintain client relationships in helping our advertisers succeed, I am often reminded that business basics are universal regardless of industry – listening, serving, communicating, and seeking to do what is right for all parties.  

Our involvement with Everything Knoxville began with an excited leap of faith, and thankfully Kendra and Meredith jumped with us. We have learned to act as a team – not resenting each other’s different approaches, but deciding to appreciate them. Relying on our unique perspectives, knowledge, and skills has taught us that we need each other. And that no skill is more valuable than another – an important lesson to learn at the tender age of fifty-something!

The observation: “Team” is not just the current phrase. It can be a beautiful combining of different yet complementary skills. Letting each individual do what they do best and appreciating them for it. I am beyond grateful that these two fine professionals were willing to take the leap without knowing the outcome. And I encourage you to take stock in your “team” – whether business or home – to acknowledge the skill sets needed to fill our individual gaps and say “Thank You” for what you do!